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Developing the RCPCH CLI tools

Setup and installation of Python proceeds similar to the description in Python setup.

Get the code

Git clone the repository to your development machine, and cd into it.

git clone


We recommend the use of Pyenv and a virtual environment. Any recent Python version should be fine.

pyenv virtualenv 3.10.2 rcpchgrowth-python-cli

Using the same name rcpchgrowth-python-cli for your virtualenv will enable Pyenv to automatically select it when you navigate to the directory. This magic uses the .python-version dotfile in the project root.

Locally install for testing

To test changes, install the development version of the library locally through

pip install -e .

Now, any changes you make to the local code will immediately be reflected in the CLI tool.


We use a package called bump2version which is a maintained fork of the original, but abandoned, bumpversion.

You need to start with a clean commit status i.e. any new changes are committed in Git.

To update the version with a small patch change or fix, use:

bumpversion patch

For 'minor' version changes, use:

bumpversion minor

For 'major' version changes, use:

bumpversion major

Bump2version will update the version in, creating a new commit and tag.